Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Williamsburg, old and new

Williamsburg is changing rapidly, as every New Yorker knows: below, some juxtapositions of old and new.

Above: Manhattan Ave. at Skillman.

Above: Graham Ave. between Skillman and Conselyea. No, it's not like the others, but when the light comes through the roof in the morning, it's very attractive - and not bad the rest of the time, either.

Above: the high-rises on Bayard, facing McCarren Park, seen from Frost St.

Above: the Bayard St. high-rises from behind the McCarren Pool, which is finally in use again - although not for swimming.

Above: to the left, new construction on Union. To the left of the flag, the top of the Giglio from the annual feast (see post of 7/14).

The party's over: the Giglio amid vans packing up the food stands, the day after the feast ended.

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