Saturday, January 20, 2007

News: OMOM Essay 30

The surprise in researching this sculpture was that Noguchi, who's famous for his abstract works, once trained under Gutzon Borglum, who conceived Mount Rushmore and sculpted Butterfield (Essay 52). I use Noguchi's abstract works as the springboard for a discussion of Ayn Rand's theory of art's nature, function and purpose. In the Introduction to OMOM this discussion would have been bewildering for anyone unfamiliar with Ayn Rand's esthetics. At this point, midway through the book, I'm counting on the reader to have enough context to follow and retain such a discussion, even if he doesn't immediately agree. "About the Subject" recounts the origin and achievements of the Associated Press. For copyright reasons I can't include a photo of News on this blog, but there is one (bought and paid for) in Outdoor Monuments of Manhattan. You can also see this Noguchi relief on the Net.

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